Ain't No Stopping Us Now

According to a recent eWeek article, there will be four times more Ruby programmers within five years. Before all the haters start making cracks about it going from one thousand to four thousand professional Rubyists, here is a juicy bit from Mark Driver, Gartner analyst:

“There are under one million professional Ruby developers now and we’re projecting there will be four million plus by 2013.”

And oh yeah, what about that whole “Ruby is for hobbyists” misinformation campaign? Officially debunked by Gartner:

Driver later told eWEEK that Gartner’s research shows “strong interest” in Ruby and that the percentage of developers that will be creating commercial systems versus those that are hobbyists will be even greater for Ruby than for other languages. “Ruby will be more interesting to commercial developers”

Just imagine the power of one million people out there, right now. Developing, sharing, recruiting others… to use their favorite programming language! What did you think I was talking about, politics?